The Star Wars trilogy is a science fiction based movie series about the Jedi/Rebels verses the Sith through the universe. the Sith enforce dictatorship and strike fear into the galaxy, wile on the other hand the Jedi/Rebels fight back and try to bring peace to the galaxy. The Empire Strikes Back is the second movie made in the Star Wars trilogy and focuses on the previously mentioned Luke Skywalker (in my blog entry on episode IV A New Hope ) building his Force skills with Jedi master Yoda on the planet Dagobah. This movie is the only one in the original trilogy to feature Cloud City, and the first movie to feature Lando Calrissian. This movie also has the most famous Star Wars quote of all time (if you've already seen episode V then there's a fun fact at the end). this is my all time favorite star wars movie and will probably stay is that spot for years to come.
4.9/5 stars
This is also a classic and I would Recommend it to anybody who hasn't seen it already.
fun fact: the quote "no, I am your father" is often mislabeled as "Luke, I am your father"