Ready Player One is about Wade Watts, a young adult living in Columbus, Ohio with his late mother's sister and her abusive boyfriend, Rick. In this vision of the future there's nothing to do in the post apocalyptic earth filled with drug addicts and people trying their best to survive, so most people travel to the Oasis, a virtual world where anything is possible, but in 2045 the Oasis's creator, James Halliday dies, leaving behind a massive fortune and full control of the oasis for anyone daring enough to take a shot at beating his three trials, and obviously wade takes a shot at beating them. Now to my personal opinion related to the book and the movie itself. From a view not having read the book the movie is great, I would recommend it to anybody who hasn't read Ready Player One. But from a stand point where you've read the book (like me) I would totally advise against it, if you've read the book in the movie they changed all the challenges they made everybody look like models and it just generally isn't a great re-creation of the book.
read the book: 1.5/5 stars.
not read the book: 3.9/5 stars.
my opinion: it's an okay sci-fi movie but not a good Ready Player One movie.