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  • Writer's pictureccrain7

Spider-man: Into the spider-verse

Miles Morales is a teenage boy living in Queens, New York when Kingpin (one of the primary spider-man super villains) opens a inner-dimensional rift which sucks multiple spider-people into the same reality. Miles must learn how to use his new powers, and get all the other spider-people to their right dimension and return New York to normal. This movie had a very unique comic-book esque style and mixed together humor and action in a masterpiece of a movie. If this sounds even just a little cool WATCH IT. It's my favorite movie and won best animated movie at the Oscars. I thought Sony couldn't come back after the emoji movie, but boy did they show us all. this movie is great, but if you aren't into super heroes like, at all and hate action despite my high praise I would advise against it, but if you are okay with super heroes and action you have no excuse not to see it, and if you don't like it sue me.

4.95 /5 stars.

Best animated movie BY FAR.

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