The Star Wars trilogy is a science fiction based movie series about the Jedi/Rebels verses the Sith through the universe. the Sith enforce dictatorship and strike fear into the galaxy, wile on the other hand the Jedi/Rebels fight back and try to bring peace to the galaxy. A New Hope is the first movie made in the Star Wars movie trilogy and focuses on Luke Skywalker (a young farm boy that lives on the dessert planet Tatooine) Han Solo (a cocky space smuggler who owns one of the fastest ships in the galaxy) Chewbacca (Han Solo's furry sidekick) and princess Leia (a leader of the Jedi/Rebel cause) who go on a mission to blow up a planet destroying machine known as the Death Star. The series has six movies in the original trilogy and is pumping out more every year.
4.5/5 stars
This is a classic and I would Recommend it to anybody who hasn't seen it already.